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About the Orange Safety Tips for Airsoft Guns

April 07, 2023 2 min lesen.


Airsoft guns are toy guns that fire plastic pellets and are used primarily for recreational purposes. However, they can look very much like real firearms, which is why a US federal law of 1988 mandates that all replica guns imported, transported, manufactured, or sold in the country must have an orange tip. The purpose of the orange tip is to make airsoft guns distinguishable from actual firearms, which helps prevent people from using them in armed robberies and helps police differentiate between an airsoft gun and a firearm.

While federal law requires orange tips on airsoft guns, it doesn't require owners to keep them on afterward. However, some state and city laws may require airsoft guns to have orange tips at all times. For instance, in California, it's illegal to paint or remove the orange tip from an airsoft gun, and the states of Illinois and New Jersey also have similar laws. Therefore, before removing the orange tip, it's essential to check the laws of your city or state to avoid legal problems.

To remove the orange tip from an airsoft gun, the first step is to determine how it was fixed to the gun. Orange tips are usually attached to the gun in one of three ways: Allen screws, pins, or glue. If the orange tip is attached using Allen screws, you can use an Allen wrench to remove the screw, then use your fingers to unscrew the orange tip. If the tip is attached using pins, you'll need to use something sharp, like a flat-head screwdriver, to chip off the plastic around the pin. Alternatively, you can use a heat gun or hairdryer to weaken the plastic around the pin and pull it out with pliers. For tips attached with glue, you'll need to warm them up by putting them in hot water for about five to seven minutes to weaken the glue.

It's important to note that removing the orange tip from an airsoft gun voids the manufacturer's warranty, and if you're not careful, you may damage your gun. Therefore, it's advisable to consult a professional if you're not sure how to go about it.

In summary, while airsoft guns don't need to have orange tips, federal law requires all replica guns imported, transported, manufactured, or sold in the US to have them. However, some state and city laws may require airsoft guns to have orange tips at all times. The orange tips help differentiate airsoft guns from real firearms, preventing them from being used in armed robberies and helping police distinguish between an airsoft gun and a firearm. If you need to remove the orange tip, you should check the laws of your city or state, determine how the tip was attached, and be careful not to damage your gun in the process.